Most Organizations See the Value in DevOps

1. 86% of organizations say it’s important for their company to develop and begin production of new software quickly (Google).

Companies that quickly deliver digital products to consumers have an advantage over competitors. Those who lag behind risk damaging customer relationships and losing market share to more nimble competitors.

2. 77% of organizations say they currently rely on DevOps to deploy software, or plan to in the near future. (Google).

The growth of DevOps implementation has skyrocketed over the past several years—a testament to its potential as a business outcome game-changer.

However, Success Can Still Be Difficult

3. Only 10% of organizations say their company is very successful at rapid software development and deployment (Google).

Although many companies understand the value of DevOps, those that are satisfied with their DevOps results are few and far between. DevOps is a powerful tool but can be difficult to implement for many reasons.

4. 50% of enterprises say organizational silos are a challenge to delivering value to the market faster, 49% cite legacy technology as a challenge, and 46% say resistance to change is a major issue (Google).

DevOps requires changes and shifts across the organization. It’s not simply about implementing a new technology; instead, it’s a much more people- and process-focused approach. DevOps proponents should understand that these challenges are common and develop a plan for addressing roadblocks.

DevOps Success Leads to Other Victories

5. 22% of organizations operating at the highest security level have also reached an advanced stage of DevOps (Puppet).

The success components of DevOps and security overlap. Teams that have mastered security can adopt DevOps and find success more readily.

6. 51% of DevOps users apply DevOps to new and existing applications. Only 13% say their DevOps approach is limited to proof-of-concept implementation (Forrester).

DevOps is making its way out of the sandbox and into application for real-world software and applications.

7. 71% of DevOps adopters also use microservices and containers (Forrester).

These IT teams are snowballing the speed and efficiency of DevOps by combining it with other technologies that enable rapid deployment. These are the teams that truly get it and are outpacing technologically lagging organizations.

A Downshift May Be on the Horizon

8. Forrester predicts release frequency will decrease by 5% in 2020 (Forrester).

This expected slow-down will likely be experienced by DevOps high performers. Teams who are still building and improving their DevOps program are still likely to continue to see release speeds increase before they experience a decrease.

9. However, organizations will begin to see business value as a more insightful metric than speed alone. 53% of expert DevOps teams said they incorporated metrics for sales and revenue boosts, client retention, and customer satisfaction when measuring the success of DevOps projects. Only 25% of greener teams said the same (Forrester).

DevOps is moving beyond just a mechanism for software delivery speed. The true value comes from the way it helps customers see businesses truly deliver on their needs. This impact is long-lasting and leads to deeper connections between a business and its customers.

DevOps holds the potential to improve software output, lead to greater security, and deepen consumer relationships. Discover how DevOps can be implemented at enterprise scale by exploring our Agile Development solutions.

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